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🕵🏼‍♀️ Who

Me in 60 seconds

People usually call me Seréna, Serén, or Rén. I enjoy reading, writing, and city-cycling. Will never shut up geeking about manga. I also fancy drawing (a hobby which frequency keeps declining every second), playing Spider Solitaire, and struggling with my lessons on Duolingo. After years of vaguely describing my music preference, Spotify managed to enlighten me that my favorite sub-genre is called Sunshine Pop.


Me in 15 minutes

Check out the exhaustive About Me page.


So, what is this wandering and wondering about?

I've been blogging awkwardly since 2010 and kept trying new stuff. Changed platforms four times (Blogger––––Blogger again). Deleted embarrassing and not-so-relatable-anymore posts written by highschool me. Lost traffics. Lost some good posts. If I were a K-pop idol, it means I have re-debuted many times over.

I'd say this blog contain personal life experiences, ideas and opinion coming from my wandering mind. Writing is akin to a therapy to release all those internal mumbles in my head. I write in Bahasa Indonesia and English to avoid losing competence in both language.

Drop a hello? I'm one e-mail away at 💌

Me elsewhere on the internet:

Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe and healthy! 🌻