Suatu hari pada masa kuliah, saya tergelitik dengan usaha seorang teman dalam mengusir cicak dari kamarnya. Sudah beberapa kali saya mendengarkan komplain tentang cicak (KBBI: cecak) ini yang suka beraktivitas malam hari dan membuat dia susah tidur.
I graduated from forestry science and once active in youth environment organization. Many of my friends and acquaintances are climate, sustainability, and environment advocates—some might be swamped during this year's controversial COP28.
An extensive guide to read English licensed BL manga/manhua/manhwa legally, using platforms that I've tried and still using to this day: Renta!, Manga Planet (Futekiya), INKR, DLsite, JuNe, and SuBLime.
As a self-proclaimed animanga otaku, I have this weird internal motivation to assert my stance on the whole sub vs and dub thing. This whole ruckus is oh so very unnecessary and needs to stop.