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Sadvertising: Berdagang Rasa Kasihan

Teknik storytelling merupakan alat ampuh dalam pemasaran, belum lagi kalau dikombinasikan dengan cerita yang emosional. Saya terkejut tapi tidak heran mengetahui bahwa kesedihan dan kemalangan sudah jadi alat jualan. Istilahnya, sad vertising dan pity marketing.
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6 Aturan Utama Bersepeda di Jalan Raya 🚴‍♀️

Bersepeda ada peraturannya lho: Pasal 108, 122, dan 209 UU 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan dan Permenhub No. 59 Tahun 2020 tentang Keselamatan Pesepeda di Jalan . Penting untuk diketahui pegowes veteran maupun pemula.

A general complaint on childhood trauma trope

This is not written to undermine the damage of childhood trauma and loss of parents nor to diminish the representatives of those background in entertainment media, though I still might sound insensitive. I'm currently a bit tired of this trait being presented in many fictional setting that creators tend to use it as an “easy character development solution”.

Status Update: February 2024

It's finally starting to rain since December. The last quarter of 2023 felt like hellfire simulation. Also, January doesn't count, it feels like free trial of 2024.

A love letter for boys' demography mangaka and common troupe shonen MCs

What I love so much about the common troupe shonen MC: grit over talent.

Cara menghilangkan [isi dengan hal yang Anda tidak suka]

Suatu hari pada masa kuliah, saya tergelitik dengan usaha seorang teman dalam mengusir cicak dari kamarnya. Sudah beberapa kali saya mendengarkan komplain tentang cicak (KBBI: cecak) ini yang suka beraktivitas malam hari dan membuat dia susah tidur.

While the planet is dying

I graduated from forestry science and once active in youth environment organization. Many of my friends and acquaintances are climate, sustainability, and environment advocates—some might be swamped during this year's controversial COP28.

Filosofi Telur Mata Sapi

Ayam yang bertelur, ketika sudah matang digoreng, dibilangnya telur mata sapi. -tnilovers18

Guide: How to Read Legal Licensed BL

An extensive guide to read English licensed BL manga/manhua/manhwa legally, using platforms that I've tried and still using to this day: Renta!, Manga Planet (Futekiya), INKR, DLsite, JuNe, and SuBLime.

End this sub vs dub thing, once and for all

As a self-proclaimed animanga otaku, I have this weird internal motivation to assert my stance on the whole sub vs and dub thing. This whole ruckus is oh so very unnecessary and needs to stop.

Rakyat harus tetap bodoh

Dunia sedang tidak baik-baik saja. Semakin ke sini, khawatirnya demokrasi riil hanya sebatas utopia.

Mizuki, Si Makcomblang Rahasia

Ditulis dalam rangka memperingati 11 tahun hiatus serial komik klasik Topeng Kaca.

Status Update: August 2023

What I'm doing right now as per 20 August 2023.

One of the healthiest anime couple